Thursday, April 7, 2011


The further away my dark postpartum depression becomes in the rear view mirror, the more I can see how far I've come.

I feel that desire for life, the passion for things I enjoy so much more often than 4 years ago.

Life had become a Sisyphean list of chores that I didn't want to do; dishes, laundry, picking up after two babies, all while trying to squash the formidable urge to close my eyes and just sleep. Its difficult to unravel the depression from the exhaustion of twins, but it is becoming easier in retrospect.

Nowadays, I want to throw on my tennis shoes and jog through my neighborhood, feeling the fresh air on my face, my iPod blaring music in my ears. I carve out time to sit at my craft desk and create, instead of looking at the messy desk and feeling overwhelmed by it. I want to lounge in the comfort of my bed, not to sleep, but to get lost in the weaving story of a good book. I get inspired to experiment with a new recipe and "play" in my cozy kitchen.

I sing in the car.

I smile at random thoughts that occur to me.

I relish a sunset, or a patch of freshly sprouted flowers. I notice the small things that were blurred by the haze of depression.

And most important to me, I feel surges of love for those around me, whereas I took them for granted before... When the dam finally broke, when the realization took hold that I was depressed, I called my best friend and, through heaving sobs, I told her I was sorry for "faking it" for so long. For pretending that I was fine, and for not letting her (or anyone) in on my innermost mental state.

I don't have to pretend anymore, and that is more freeing than anything.

If only it were as simple as a bandaid... 


  1. What a moving post.. I think our girls are the same age.. (= but GOOD for YOU!!! I am STILL trying.. I think that's probably why I've been having such a hard time blogging lately too.. (= Was swinging by to thank you for following my blog.. have swung by to do the same.. looking forward to reading more.. (= and Keep up the optimism...

  2. This is beautifully written, so wonderful. It was reading about me. Isn't it incredible, noticing those small things today that make you happy and joyful? Noticing that I notice them makes me joyful all over. Keep remembering how far you've come -- it sounds like you've come a long way! I'm going to stalk your blog now!


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